565 Academy Road
825 Alfred Avenue
141 Arlington Street
1551 Arlington Avenue
112 Ashland Avenue
1870 Assiniboine Avenue
Balfour Avenue (1)
Balfour Avenue (2)
Balfour Avenue (3)
98 Baltimore Road
14 Bank Avenue
567 Bannatyne Avenue
4406 Batchelor Avenue
Bears: ABEARriginal - Journey to Spirit (B56)
Bears: Aurora (B23)
Bears: Aurora-Bear (B4)
Bears: Aurora 'Bear'ealis- Shimmering Lights (B6)
Bears: Bearealis's World (B58)
Bears: Bearister (B21)
Bears: Bear of the Aurora (B29)
Bears: 'Bear'Nard - A Work of Art (B59)
Bears: Bear Necessities (B53)
Bears: Bear To Dream (B49)
Bears: Bear Witness to the Changes in Our World (B51)
Bears: Because We Care (B20)
Bears: Big Blue (B46)
Bears: Biker Bear (B13)
Bears: Brother Bear (B37)
Bears: Butterbear Garden (B45)
Bears: Call 'Bear' fore You Dig (B19)
Bears: Can-Ad-Bear (B42)
Bears: Dancing Bear (B11)
Bears: Don Bearry (B41)
Bears: Fore the Bears (B22)
Bears: Ha'bear'tat (B38)
Bears: Knights of the Polar Circle (B3)
Bears: Loony Bear (B18)
Bears: Manitobear (B54)
Bears: Mount Polar Bear: Teamwork Sculpture (B40)
Bears: Name That Bear (B62)
Bears: Nanook In Sealskins (B47)
Bears: Nanookshuk (B1)
Bears: New Day Bear (B52)
Bears: Polar Path (B44)
Bears: Prairie Bear (B10)
Bears: Prairie Landscape (B28)
Bears: Prairie View Bear (B33)
Bears: Qualico's Home Bear (B36)
Bears: Red Top Diner Bear (B63)
Bears: Respect & Honour Bear (B2)
Bears: S.A.F.E. Bear (aka B. Beary Safe) (B15)
Bears: Sapputiwok the Road Safety Bear (B9)
Bears: Seeds of Hope (B12)
Bears: Snow Angel - The Honour Bear (B60)
Bears: The Key-to-Giving Bear (B31)
Bears: Trucker Bear (B39)
Bears: Urban Ins'BEAR'ation (B27)
Bears: Ursa Major: Starry Starry Bear (B50)
690 Beverley Street
101 Bourkvale Drive
Brambleberry Place
Broadway Bike Racks (1)
Broadway Bike Racks (2)
Broadway Bike Racks (3)
114 Carmen Avenue (rear)
480 Chalmers Avenue
3 Collett Cove
364 Dufferin Avenue
616 Ellice Avenue (rear)
Ellice Avenue & Agnes Street
251 Eugenie Street
2 Fontaine Crescent
176 Forrest Avenue
91 Garden Park Drive (approximate address)
136 Glenwood Crescent
1257 Henderson Highway
160 Higgins Avenue
719 Jubilee Avenue
66 Kay Crescent
554 Kildare Avenue East
734 Kildare Avenue West
665 Langside Street (rear)
30 Maberley Road
631 Main Street (rear)
245 McDermot Avenue
531 McGregor Street
390 Nairn Avenue
2665 Ness Avenue
91 Normand Park Drive
Oxbow Bend Road
1094 Pembina Highway
171 Pritchard Avenue
202 Provencher Boulevard
219 Provencher Boulevard
6691 Rannock Avenue
1012 Redwood Avenue
98 Riel Avenue
544 Rosedale Avenue
Sargent Avenue & Maryland Street
Scotia Street
61 Sherbrook Street
Spirit Way Wolves (38): Sirius Grey
Spirit Way Wolves (39): Power Wolf
Spirit Way Wolves (40): Winter Wolf
Spirit Way Wolves (42): Precious
Spirit Way Wolves (43): Full Moon Rising
Spirit Way Wolves (44): Wolf Island
Spirit Way Wolves (45): Amaroq
Spirit Way Wolves (46): Wolfington
Spirit Way Wolves (Speers)
563 St. Mary's Road
33 Stapleton Street
119 Sutherland Avenue
1595 Wolseley Avenue West
91 Yanofsky Way
Displaying Locations 13-17 of 115
Bears: Aurora (B23)
Location Map
City Centre
Robert Pasternak
Sponsor: The Prolific Group